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NARA 244

L.R. 63

Ridgeville, S.C.
Feby 25, 74

Cantwell, J.M.

Has seen poster containing list of unpaid claimants. Notices the name Peter Read. Has man of same name in his employ. Gives his military history. Enquires if he is the same one &c

Feby 26 74

Disbursing Office
Freedmen's Branch A.G.O.
Columbia S.C. Mch 2, 74

J.M. Cantwell
Ridgeville S.C.

In reply to your letter of the 25th ult. I have to state that the Peter Read in your employ is not identical in discription to the one named in my poster  You say he was in the 134 Regt. Co "I" S.C. Col Troops.  I only pay those who served in the United States Colored Troops". 

Should this man have belonged to the U.S. Colored Troops, and has his discharge and evidence to prove his service, let him present his claim to the "Second Auditor of the Treasury" Washington D.C. Should the record then show that he is entitled to Bounty or arrears of pay, he will be informed and certain papers be sent him to be properly made out. After that a disbursing officer will notify him when he is to be paid.

J.K. Hyer
1st Lt and 2nd Dis Officer

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-07-09 13:44:29