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NARA 267

L. R. B. 73
Fort Mills, S. C. Mrch 9. 74
Massy - J. E.
M. D.
Writes in behalf of Moses Blunt in regard to bounty and pension requesting information &c

March - 11 - 74


Disbursing Office
Columbia, S.C. Mch 11.74

J. E. Massy, M.D.
Fort Mills, S. C.
Sir: -
In reply to your letter of the 9th inst, referring to the case of Moses Blunt, I have to state that I have in my possession bounty money for one Moses Blunt and which will be paid upon proof of identity. To enable me to determine whether the person you represent is the one entitled to bounty - please send me a portion of his military history during the late war such as: Co - Regt - Captain 1st Sergt - where enlisted - when mustered out - and any other special proof that will strengthen his identity - As I have nothing to do with pensions - and not being posted upon its requirements - I would refer you to the Hon. Commissioner of Pensions, Washington, D.C. who will I have no doubt give you all the information you desire - 
J. K. Hyer
1st Lt 18th Inf.
Disbursing Officer