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NARA 281

Disbursing Office
Columbia S.C. Mch 20.74

Mr Julius Glover
Orangeburg S.C.
Yours of the 17th just received. You state that Hoseph A Pierce is dead and that prior to his death, his claim had been transferred to one Jacob. Bronson, the facts of which can be proven.  The only course I can pursue in case of death, is, upon sufficient evidence - to return the money due - into the Treasury and notify the heirs or assigns - who then can upon proof and identity, obtain this money from the Treasurer of the US. It seems that Pierce while living and had transferred his claim did not notify his claim agent or the authorities at Washington of said transfer - and that he had no further interest in same - therefore Mr Bronson will have to prove his claim to the money by strong proof.

Since the fact of his death has been reported to me -and desiring to place this money where it can be accessible to those for whom it is due, I wish to obtain satisfactory evidence that he is dead - To this end - affidavits by Mr Bronson and two or three others, (any who served with him in the army would be the