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NARA 309

L.R.B. 88
Charleston, S.C. Mch 23.74

Eulin, Samuel

Requests to be informed if his claim for bounty has been adjusted - Claim put in last August

March 24 - 74

Disbursing Office
Columbia. S.C. Mch 24.74

Samuel Eulin
Charleston. S.C.

Sir: -
In answer to your letter of the 23d inst. I would refer you to the Second Auditor of the Treasury, Washington D.C. for the information you desire - When bounty papers have been adjusted in that Office they are at once sent to a disbursing officer for payment. It is fair to presume that your claim has not yet been settled - You had better write to the above named Auditor at once - giving him the circumstances of your claim &c

J. K Hyer
1st Lt 18 Inf
Disbursing Officer

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-07-09 17:02:14