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NARA 392

War Department,
Adjutant General's Office,
Washington, D.C. April 25 1874

Lieut J.K. Hyer, 18th Infty,
Disbursing Officer,
Columbia S.C.
   In nswer to your letter of the 17th inst. stating that the bounty allowed to Joseph A. Pierce, late Corporal Co I. 55th Mass. Co. Vols. (reported dead) by certificate No 333037 is claimed by one Julius Glover of Orangeburg, S.C. as attorney for one Jacob Bronson, alleged assignee of said soldier, and requesting authority to proceed to Orangeburg for the purpose of investigating the case. I have to inform you that such authority cannot be given. In this connection it should be fully understood that the Act of March 29, 1867 governing the payment of bounties and other moneys to colored soldiers,