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Disbursing Office Freedmans Branch A.G.O
Oct 1st 1872

Gen'l E D Townsend
Adj't Gen'l U.S.A
I have the honor to enclose, herewith, for approval a Lease, a quintriplicate, of three (3) rooms for Office accommodations for disbursing Office Freedman's Branch A.G.O at Louisville, Kentucky, also the appointment of Mr John Coleman Jr as Clerk in this same Office.
I am, Genl Very Resp'y.
Your Ob't Sert
(Signed) A P Howe
Maj 4th Arty
Disbursing Office
Freedmans Branch A.G.O

Disbursing Office Freedmans Branch A.G.O.
Louisville Oct 2nd 1872

Gel E [[?]] Townsend
Adjt Gen'l U.S.A
I have the honor to forward, herewith, and ask the approval of the appointment of Willis McLean as Janitor in the office of the Disbursing Officer of the Freedman's Branch A.G.O at this place.
I am, General
Very Respy
Your Ob't Servant
(Signed) A P Howe
Maj. 4th Arty,
Dis'bs Officer
Freedman's Br A.G.O

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-07-16 21:24:24