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Louisville Ky March 8th 1873

Violet Beard
Sugar Grove
Bullis Co. Ky

Yours of the 5th Ins't has been received. 
When I am prepared to pay at Bowling Green, you will be notified before hand in time to be present there and receive your pay.
Very Respectfully
(Signed) A.P. Howe
Brv't Maj. Gen'l U.S.A.
Disbursing Officer 

Louisville, Ky March 8th 1873

Robert Williams
Jeffersonville Ind

Eliza Rothrock
Evansville Ind

Martha Ditto
Mead Co. Ky

I am prepared to pay you the claim allowed you by the second Auditor of the Treasury upon your appearing in person at this place and establishing your identity by the affidavits of two witnesses known here to be credible witnesses.
Please acknowledge the receipt of this.
Very Respectfully 
(Signed) A.P. Howe
Brv't Maj. Gen'l U.S.A.
Disbursing Officer

Louisville, Ky March 8th 73

Capt. Jas McMillan
Chief D.O.
Washington D.C.

Please find enclosed, herewith, receipt in duplicate for four hundred and seventy two dollars and forty two cents, this day received, on account of pay, Bounty and Prize money. 
I am Captain
Very Respectfully
(Signed) A.P. Howe
Maj. 4th Arty
Disbursing Officer


Louisville, Ky March 8th 1873

Adj't Genl U.S.A.
Washington D.C.

I have the honor to report my balance of public funds on deposit and in hand at the close of the week ending Saturday, March 8th 1873, as follows:
With the U.S. Depository, Louisville, Ky, nine thousand one hundred & forty eight and 44/100 dollars ($9148.44)
Very Respectfully
(Signed) A.P. Howe
Major 4th Art'ry 
Disbursing Officer

Louisville Ky March 10/73

Martha Harris
15th & Jeff Str. Ky

I am prepared to pay you the claim allowed you by the Second Auditor of the Treasury, upon your appearing in person at this place and establishing your identity by the affidavits of two witnesses known here to be credible witnesses
Very Respectfully
(Signed) A.P. Howe
Brv't Maj Gen'l U.S.A.
Disbr'ing Officer

Louisville Ky March 10/73

Henry & Jacob Tribble
Farmdale Franklin Co Ky

I am prepared to pay you the claim allowed you by the second Auditor of the Treasury. Acknowledge the receipt of this, and give your Post Office address, and a time will be designated to pay you at Lexington Ky.
Very Respectfully
(Signed) A.P. Howe
Brv't Maj. Gen'l U.S.A.
Disbursing Officer 

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