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Louisville Ky March 10th, 73

J.B. Linsey

Will you please furnish me with the Post Office address or tell me the whereabouts of Malinda Chase, widow of Peter Chase, for whom you name Agent, in the prosecution of her claim for Bounty &c
Very Respectfully
(Signed) A.P. Howe
Brv't. Maj: Gen'l U.S.A
Disbursing Officer

Louisville Ky March 11th 1873
Charlotte Cook
Paducah, Ky

I expect to be at Cairo Ill. for payment of Claimants some time during next month. I will send you notice in a few days, of the time I shall be at Cairo. It will not be necessary for you to have notices with you if you have the affidavits of identifying witness certified to under seal of their credibility .
Very Respectfully
(Signed) A.P. Howe
Brv't Maj. Gen'l U.S.A.
Disb'g Officer

Louisville, March 11th 1873

Henry A. Catlett
Evansville Ill.

I will pay you at this place any time before the first of April, or if you prefer I will pay you at Cairo Ill. I expect to pay claimants at Cairo some time next month. It will not be necessary for you to have with you witnesses, if you have the affidavits of two witnesses whose credibility is certified to under seal.
Very Respectfully
A. P. Howe
Brv't Maj. Gen'l U.S.A.
Disb'g Officer


Louisville, March 12th 1873

March 18th to
America Gorret
Williamstown, Ky
[[note]] with P.S. Pay at Louisville is preferred [[/note]]

This is to inform you that your claim for bounty has been settled by the Second Auditor of the Treasury, and that a Disbursing Officer will be at Lexington Ky on Wednesday the Second of April 1873 for the purpose of paying the amount due you. It is important that you should appear in person promptly at the time and place named. This letter together with any papers in your possession that may aid in establishing your identity should be shown by you to the Disbursing Officer. This letter being intended for your protection against the demands of agents its contents should be kept to yourself it is desired to for this information of yourself as claimant; the money that is to be paid you not belonging to, nor subject to claim on demand, in whole or in part by any one else. 
The Place of payment in Lexington can be found by inquiring of the Post Office in Lexington for my address. Have with you at the place of payment the affidavits of two witnesses whose credibility is certified to under seal, to aid in establishing your identity. Please acknowledge the receipt of this without delay.
(signed) A. P. Howe
Brv't Maj. Gen'l, U. S. A.
Disbursing Officer

Disbursing Officer U. S. Army
Louisville, Ky March 24th 1873

Lazarus Allen
Bourbon, Co. Ky.

Jackson Scott
Greenup Co, Ky

Lucy White
Manchester, Ky

Julia Conner
Maysville, Ky

Helena Ky

Thos. Gill J
Georgetown Ohio

Susan Hall
Covington, Ky

Mildred J. Martin
Frankfort, Ky

Charlotte Owens
Maysville, Ky

Abraham Stewart
Poplar Plains, Ky

Randall & Sarah Witt
Irvine, Ky

Julia Lewis
Lexington, Ky [[note]] returned letter after 20 days [[/note]]

Sallie Mack
Spring Station Ky

Ann Anderson
Harriet Perviance
Matilda North
Moorefield, Ky

Bartin Young
[[note]] Settled remittance April 19th [[/note]]
Paris, Ky

Jacob Tribble
Farmdale, Ky

Ellen Anderson
& Knoxville
Williamstown, Ky

Susan E. Ryle
Rising Sun, Ind

Continued on Page 54.

If you prefer to be paid at this place instead of Lexington I will pay you here at any time after the 5th of April next.
(Signed) A. P. Howe 
Bvt Maj. Genl. U. S. A. 
Disbursing Officer

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-07-18 15:04:05 -Henry A. Catlett, not Corbett confirmed by other FB records -Disb'g, rather than Disbig for Disbursing -Greenup County Ky -no ^'s are to be used as per TC instructions,just type the insertion right through where it belongs -for the last entry, it is impossible to tell which of the names in the list on that page were intended for the final entry versus the one before it. I transcribed it as if Ellen Anderson and Susan Ryle were the intended recipients of the final letter ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-07-18 15:48:40 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-07-20 08:56:46