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Louisville, Ky Mch 13th 1873

Malinda Chase
#586 Main Str
Near Cor 16th Str
Louisville, Ky

John Sanders
Louisville Ky

I am prepared to pay you the claims allowed you by the Second Auditor of Treasury.
Please come to this office with the necessary evidence to establish your identity and you will be paid.
Very Respectfully
(Signed) A. P. Howe
Brv't Maj. Gen'l U.S.A
Disbursing Officer

Louisville, Ky. March 15th 1873

Capt Jas. McMillen
Chief D.O.
Washington D.C.

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt this day of the following checks, in payment of the following accounts rendered to this office in February 1873.
[[5 Columned table]]
| --- |--- | --- | --- | --- | 
| No of Check | Payee | For What | Amount | Amount |
| B7664 | Jno Coleman Jr | Services as Clerk | $100 | 00 |
| B7665 | Willis McClean | Services as Janitor | 40 | 00 | 
| B7666 | Thos. C. Jenkins | Rent | 45 | 00 |
| B7667 | Byrne & Speed | Coal | 8  |65 |
| B7668 | James Devlly & Co | Hardware |   | .90 |
| B7669 | Louisville Post Office for T Hensley Ship Clerk | Postage Stamps | 1 | 74 |

The checks have been delivered this day, to the parties in whose favor they were drawn.
I am Captain
Very Respectfully
Your obedient Servant
(Signed) A. P. Howe
Maj. 4th Arty
Disbg Officer  


Disbursing Office U.S.A
Louisville, Ky. March 14th /73

Silva Burse, Campbellsville, Ky
Martha Chandler, Campbellsville, Ky
Gabriel Crane, Hiseville, Ky
Mary Thompson, Cadiz, Ky [[note]] Letter returned [[/note]]
Ned Brunch, Woodburn, Ky
Violet Beard, Sugar Grove, Ky
Jacob Copeland, Franklin Ky
Carrol Campbell, Olmsted Ky
Lewis Hay, Franklin, Ky
Tennessee Martin, Franklin, Ky
Susan E. Boyle, Belevue, Ky
Lucy Epperson, Columbia, Ky
Isaac Dunning, Franklin, Ky
Billy Wilson, Columbia, Ky
March 18th 1873
Major Blackwell, Bowling Green
Ellen Shields, Cave Spring, Ky

This is to inform you that your claim for Bounty has been settled by the Second Auditor of the Treasury and that a Disbursing Officer will be at Bowling Green Ky on Wednesday the 9th of April 1873 for the purpose of paying the amount due you. It is important that you shall appear in person promptly at the time and place named.  This letter, together with any papers in your possession that may aid in establishing your identity, should be showed by you to the Disbursing Officer. This letter being intended for your protection against the demands of agents, its contents should be kept to yourself. It is designed for the information of yourself, as claimant; the money that is to be paid you not belonging to, not subject to claims on demand, in whole or in part, by any one else.
The place of payment in Bowling Green can be found by inquiring at the Post Office in Bowling Green for my address.
Have with you at the place of payment the affidavit of two witnesses, whose credibility is testified to under seal, to aid in establishing your identity.  Please acknowledge the receipt of this without delay.
(Signed) A.P. Howe
Brv't Maj. Gen'l U.S.A.
Disbursing Officer 

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-07-17 14:10:54 the right page is a form letter, sent to a number of people. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-07-18 11:51:47 as there are more than 2 [?] remaining ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-07-18 12:18:33 I just reopened this thirty minutes ago, and it's been closed already... and there are still more than 2 [?] remaining. (there are 5) ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-07-18 14:35:13 A previous transcriber described the table as a 5 column table, but only constructed 4 columns. In order to have the 5th column (the cents column-really a sub-column) render properly, you need to set it up as a 5 column table, which is what I did, adding an extra heading for Amount. If you want to go back to 4 columns, then it needs to be reformatted. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-07-18 16:11:56 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-07-20 09:12:00