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Disbursing Office U.S. Army
Louisville, Ky. April 23d, 1873.

Maj. General
E.D. Townsed [[Townsend]]
Adj. Gen U.S.A.

In the list of Twenty-Eight Claimants sent to me on the 16th Inst. are the names of John Lawson, Pvt Co. C. 10th and Mills Hayes, Pvt. Co. B. 58th Rg. but without any acompanying Records, (Forms No 24 - Confidential -
I am General
Very Respectfully
(Signed), A.P. Howe
Maj. 4th Arty
Disb. Officer

Louisville April 24th 73.

(Louisville letter)
Wm. Hanson
Springfield Ky - [[note]] Letter returned [[/note]]

Richard, Read
Louis. Read
Julia. Lee
Springfield, Ky

Gill, Logan
Lebanon, Ky

Mary, J. Butler
Camp. Nelson Ky 
[[note]] letter returned [[/note]]

Sally Cunningham
Shelly, City Ky
[[note]] Letter returned after 60 days [[/note]]

Caroline Mays
Lebanon Ky.

Jane, Butler
Oscar Peters
Louisville, Ky.

See printed Letter
[[strikethrough]] This place for the next thirty (30) days or at [[/strikethrough]]   
Have with you at the place of payment the affidavits of two (2) witnesses whose credibility is certified to under the Seal, of an official authorised to use the Seal, to aid in establishing your identity.
Answer this without delay.
Very Respectfully
(Signed) A.P. Howe
Bvt. Maj. Genl. U.S.A
Disbursing Officer

Louisville, April 24th 1873.
See printed Letter

(Bowling Green)
Rose, Boyd
Hopkinsville Ky -

Judy, Curry
Hopkinsville Ky -

Richard, Hopper
Edith, Rone
Milly, Johnson
Katy, Johnson
Hopkinsville Ky -

[[strikethrough]] James [[/strikethrough]] Jane [[note]] corrected [[/note]] Foster
Trenton, Todd Co. Ky -

Silas, Russell
Alice, Russell
Mahala Atkins
Elkton Todd Co. Ky -

David, McCutchin
Ky -  [[note]] Letter returned [[/note]]

Fleming Anderson
Mira, Anderson
Nelly, Anderson
Amnerica Anderson
Adair Co, Ky -

Samuel, Munday
Campbellsville Ky -

Mary, Richards
Campbelsville Ky -

Henry, Brooks
Hopkinsville Ky  [[note]] Letter returned after 30 days [[/note]]
Silvia Lawrence
Hopkisville Ky - [[note]] Letter returned after 30 days [[/note]]
Jane, Dursett
Campbellsville, Ky -  

x x x x x x x x x x x [[strikethrough]] this place for the next (30) days or at [[/strikethrough]] Bowling Green at a time that will be designated hereafter

Have with you at the place of payment the affidavits of two (2), witnesses whose credibility is certified to under the Seal, of an official authorised to use a Seal, to aid in establishing your identity.
You can be paid at this place or Bowling Green whichever you prefer -  At this place any time you may come or at Bowling Green at a time that will be hereafter designated, of which you will be timely notified.
Please answer that without delay and state where you wish to be paid.
Very Respectfully
(Signed) A.P. Howe
Bv't Maj. Genl. U.S.A.
Disbursing Officer

Continued on Page 98

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-07-17 14:19:57 Incomplete ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-07-18 11:48:38 because the right page remains undone ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-07-18 12:21:14, here we are, 40 minutes later, and it was marked for review again, without the right page being done. <sigh> One [[?]] ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-07-20 17:14:01