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Disbursing Office F.B.A.G.O.
Louisville Ky May 1st 1873

Secretary US Treasury
Washington DC

I respectfully enclose herewith a certificate of deposit for Three hundred and fifty three dollars and sixty nine cents ($353.69/100) this day deposited by me to the credit of the Treasurer of the United States in the designated depository of the United States at Louisville Ky it being the amount due Susan E Boyle on Treasury Certificate No 587851
(Signed) Very Respectfully
A.P. Howe
Maj 4th Arty
Disbursing Officer 

Disbursing Office
Louisville Ky May 2nd 1873

Jas E Wright
Russellville Ky 
for Willis Russell

Yr favor of May 1st rec'd  the claimant must be present at the place mentioned to receive the money in person  I am not authorized to pay by check the places of payment being fixed by orders from Washington DC
A.P. Howe
Brev Maj Gen USA
Disbursing Officer

Disbursing Office 
Louisville Ky May 3rd 1873

Delilah Jones 
Matilda Dowers
Rosa Carson
Thomas Gray 

Yr favor of the 30th duly rec'd  the claimant must be present at the place mentioned to receive the money in person  it is therefore necessary that all should be present at Cairo  You will be notified when to appear
(Signed) Respectfully A P Howe
Brev Maj Genl USA
Disbursing Officer


Louisville Ky
May 3rd 1873

Adj Gen US Army
Washington D C

I have the honor to report my balance of public funds on deposit and in hand at the close of the week ending Saturday May 3rd 1873 as follows
With the US Depository Louisville $25874.62 total.
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
(Signed) A P Howe
Maj 4th Arty
Disbursing Officer

Disbursing Office
Louisville Ky 
May 5th 1873

Jas T. Taylor (col'd)
Franklin Ky

The proper person for you to address to procure your discharge is Adjutant General E D Townsend Washington D.C.
(Signed) Resp
A P Howe
Brev Maj Gen USA
Disbursing Officer

Disbursing Office
Louisville May 6th 1873

Winnie O Banion
North Fork
Mason Co Ky

Yrs of the 2nd inst rec'd  I have not as yet rec'd your claim, Should it be sent here for settlement you will be notified
(Signed) A P Howe
Brev Maj Gen Howe USA 
Disbursing Officer 

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