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Disbursing Office F.B.A.G.O.
Louisville Ky June 26" 1873

Jas. McMillian,
Capt 3rd. Arty.
Chief D.O
Washington, DC

Please find enclosed duplicate receipts for one thousand, nine hundred and fifty four dollars and fifty cents ($1954.50) this day received by transfer from Treasurer of U States on account fo Pay. Bounty, &c.

I am Captain
Very respectfully
(Signed) A P Howe
Major 4th Arty
Disbursing officer

Disbursing Office F.B.A.G.O.
Loiusville Ky June 26" 1873

E.D. Townsend
Adj Gen US Army
Washington DC

I respectfully enclose herewith a weekly report of payments for the week ending Saturday June 21st 1873 and a corrected Statement of "Public Funds" for the Same week there being an error in the Statement forwarded on Saturday the 21st inst.
I am General
Very Respectfully
(Signed) A.P. Howe
Major 4th Arty
Disbursing Officer

Cairo Ills June 21st 1873

Adj General
US. Army
Washington DC

I have the honor to report my balance of "Public Funds" on deposit and in hand at the close of the week ending Saturday June 21st 1973 as follows
With the U.S. Depository Louisville Ky $31200.75

Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
(Signed) A.P. Howe
Major 4th Arty
Disbursing Officer

Disbursing Office F.B.A.G.O.
Loiusville Ky June 26" 1873

E.D. Townsend
Adj Gen US Army
Washington DC

I return herewith corrected account in duplicate of  Dippold Louis & Goose for fuel for this office

I am General
Very Respectfully
(Signed) A P Howe
Major 4th Arty
Disbursing Officer

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