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Disbursing Office U.S.Army
Louisville Ky July 5th 1873

Jos Ricketts
Greenville Ky
for Martha Short & John Jagoe

Eliza Smith
Glasgow Ky

I will pay at this place for the next thirty days and at Bowling Green Ky again at a time to be hereafter designated. I inclose certificate of identity.

Very Respectfully
A.P. Howe
(Signed) Brev Maj Gen USA
Disbursing Officer

Louisville Ky July 5th 1873

Adjutant General
U.S. Army
Washington DC

I have the honor to report my balance of public funds on deposit and in hand at the close of the week ending Saturday July 5th 1873 as follows.
With the U.S. Depository Louisville Ky $25107.29

Very Resp
Your obedient Servant
(Signed) A P Howe
Major 4th Arty
Disbursing Officer

Louisville July 7th 1873

R.S. LaMotte
Major 13th Infantry
Disbursing Officer
Nashville Tenn

Please find inclosed herewith duplicate receipt for $300.00 rec'd this day by your check No 252 on 1st National Bank Nashville Tenn together with account confidential list and discharge of Willis Jones

I am Major
(Signed) Very Respectfully
A.P. Howe
Major 4th Arty
Disbursing Officer


Disbursing Office U.S. Army
Louisville Ky July 7th 1873

Edmond Benson
Shawneetown Ills

Yours of the 3rd inst I have rec'd, You must appear in person to receive your money. I am not authorized to pay by check or to any agent or attorney.
Will be at this place for the next thirty days and at Cairo Ills at some future time to be hereafter designated.
(Signed) A.P. Howe
Brev Maj Gen USA
Disbursing Officer

Disbursing Office US Army
Louisville Ky July 8th 1873

W.P. Ross
Carlisle Ky

Your letter of June 28th rec'd.
Will pay at this place for the next thirty days and at Lexington at some future time. It is not necessary for George to come.
I inclose blank certificate of identity for Martha Duncan which must be filled out & sworn to before the clerk of the county under his hand & seal

Very Resp
(Signed) A.P. Howe
Brev Maj Gen USA
Disbursing Officer

Transcription Notes:
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