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Disbursing Office [[strikethrough]]US[[/strikethrough]] F.B.A.G.O
Louisville, Ky July 15th, 1873

Brigadier General
E. D. Townsend
Adjutant General
U.S. Army
Washington D.C.

I respectfully return herewith corrected duplicate vouchers for six hundred forty-seven furnishes to this office, with one of the posters.

I am General,
Very Respectfully,
(Signed) A.P. Howe
Major 4th Arty
Disbursing Officer

Disbursing Office F.B.A.G.O.
Louisville Ky Aug 5th, 1873

Brig General
E. D. Townsend
Adjt General
U.S. Army
Washington D.C.

I respectfully return herewith enclosed, the blanks, sent to me on May 29th. The law in Ky in regard to the fees of Clerks of Courts, notaries, and justices. It is clear and definite that it is the custom of these officers to part as I have but also to ascertain entirely to disregard the requirements of the law. They charge what they please and select the papers until the charge is paid.

I am General,
Very Respectfully,
(Signed) A.P. Howe
Major 4th Arty
Disbursing Officer


Disbursing Office US. Army
Louisville Ky July 17th 1873

Edney Kinnell

Your letter of the 14th inst is received. 
Will pay at this place for the next thirty (30) days and at Lexington Ky at a time to be hereafter designated.
I inclose you blank affadvit of identity which must be filled out and sworn to by two credible witnesses under Seal and Signature of your County Clerk.

(Signed) A.P. Howe
Brev Maj Gen USA
Disbursing Officer

Disbursing Office F.B.A.G.O.
Louisville Ky July 17th 1873

Jas. McMillan
Capt. 3rd Arty
Chief Disbursing Of'r

I have the honor to acknowledge receipt this day of your Check No. B 5238 for Ninety four dollars and twenty cents ($94 20/00) [[strikethrough]] for [[/strikethrough]] in settlement of my account for Mileages.

I am Captain
Very Respectfully
(Signed) A.P. Howe 
[[strikethrough]] Brev Maj Gen USA
Dis [[/strikethrough]] Maj 4th Art'y
Disbursing Officer    

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-07-17 15:55:02 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-07-18 12:09:19 this is NOT complete, more than 2 [?], incorrect names etc. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-07-20 14:32:58 NOT a table. If you want tables, there are other projects you can work on. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-07-21 13:50:46 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-07-22 20:48:49