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NARA 245

Office of J.L. Rousseau,
Attorney and Counsellor at Law

Henderson, Ky. May 7th 1873
Gen A P Howe U.S.D.O 
Louisville Kentucky

Dear Sir
Your favor of the 1st day of May 1873 is in hand contents noted in reply to which I would say to you that I am very old & infirm have lived in the country all my life & would have to employ some person to go with me to Louisville if I had to go can not you make some provision to send my money to this place, if not, cant I execute a power of atty, and my Atty come after it. 
Yours truly,
Elvira Dennis
care of J.L. Rousseau [?]

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-07-15 17:09:16 Gen A P Howe U.S.D.O Needed to add a missing line of text Elvira Dennis