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NARA 377

Washington, February 5, 1878.

The following is published for the information and guidance of Disbursing Officers, Freedmen’s Branch, Adjutant General’s Office: 

“Washington, October 30, 1872. 

“SIR: I am in receipt of the letter of Captain James McMillan, addressed to you on the 25th instant, and by you referred to this office, of which the following is a copy:-

I have the honor to report that in the preparation for payment of the claims for bounty, &c., transferred by the late Freedmen’s Bureau, it has been discovered that in several cases the claimants are reported dead, having died subsequent to the filing of their claims. 

In a portion of such cases it is stated by the officer or agent making the report that no heirs survive, while in others no information beyond the death of the claimant has died leaving no heirs, the bounty reverts to the Government; and of the further fact that all applications submitted by heirs in cases where the original claimant has died since settlement of the claim, are required to be examined and passed upon by the Second Auditor of the Treasury, it is respectfully suggested that authority be requested of the Auditor to deposit in the Treasury the proceed of the certificates issued in settlement of the claims first above referred to, as well as of all others issued in favor of claimants of whose death this office may from time to time become advised. 

“In answer I will say that under the Act of Congress approved February 21st, 1868, and of the rulings of this office heretofore as to the manner of examination of claims, and final disposition of money involved in the class of cases referred to, the suggestion is regarded as a good one, and the authority desired is hereby granted. 

“Very respectfully,
(Signed)   “E. B. FRENCH,

“Gen’l THOS. M. VINCENT,      
   “Asst. Adjt. Gen., U. S. A.”

                   E. D. TOWNSEND,
                        Adjutant General.

Assistant Adjutant General. 

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