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NARA 427

Captn James McMillan
3rd U.S. Artillery and LtCol U.S. Army
Disbursing Officer, Freedmens Affairs
With reference to your
letter to me, of date "Mch 19.73", 
informing me that "Freasy Certif.
NO 599570" for $117.75 m claim of
Lavinia Young
as mother of 
James Brown
who deceased in battery
"S" 12th U.S.CoCo Hy Arty
had been issued

I am now state that I 
have a visit from the claimant
& that her present address is at
Shelby County, Ky
I will thank you to give me 
the favor of a remittance, of my fee 
at your early convenience

E.D. Kennedy