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NARA 474

War Department, 
Adjutant General's Office, 
Washington, D.C. June 9th. 1873

Major A. P. Howe, 
4th U.S. Arty,  
Disbursing Officer,
Louisville, Ky. 

Referring to your letter of the 30th ultimo acknowledging receipt of check in settlement of your account for Mileage, I have the honor to inform you "that there is no error in the amount of the Check," but through oversight in transmitting the same you were not informed of the reduction of $1.00 made therein by reason of the distance from Bowling Green, Ky. to Cairo, Ills. as given by the Paymaster General, U.S.A. being ten miles less than that charged for by you. 

I am Major,
Very respectfully,
Jas. McMillan

Transcription Notes:
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