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NARA 662

5819 A.G.O. 1873

Aug 14
Disbursing Office
F.B. A.G.O.
Louisville Ky
August 4th. 1873

A. P. Howe
Maj 4th. Arty
Disbursing Officer

Desires information in regards to the case of Richard Read, Louis Read, and Julia Lee, children of Noah Read late Pvt Co "C" 107 Reg C T.

Recd back AGO (FB) Aug 14. 73
[[stamp]] RECEIVED AUG 6 1873 FR. BR. A.G.O. [[/stamp]]

First Endorsement
War Department A.G.O
August 9, 1873.
Respectfully referred to the Second Auditor of the Treasury enclosing the blue letter in this case, with request that the Auditor will please return the same to this office properly corrected, if it shall appear upon examination that the payees in this case are brothers and sister - not children, of the deceased soldier

E D Townsend
Adjutant General
L.S. 6/-6 

Treasury Department,
Second Auditor's Office
August 13, 1873.

Respectfully returned to the Adjutant General, U.S.A., with the information that on an examination of the papers in the within case it appears that the payees are the brothers and sister of the deceased soldier and not the children as erroneously reported, and the inclosed "blue letter" is corrected accordingly.
C. F. Herring
Act'g Auditor
C.T.M. 67.

Third Endorsement
War Department
Adjutant Generals Office
August 13. 1873.

Respectfully returned to Major A. P. Howe 4th Artillery, Disbursing Officer Louisville, Ky. inviting attention to the foregoing endorsement of the Second Auditor of the Treasury stating that the payees in this case are, in fact, brothers and sister of the deceased soldier not his children as stated in the certificate issued in settlement of the claim.

E D Townsend
Adjutant General

L.S. 6/26 
Rec'd Louisville Aug 20" 1873

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