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NARA 330

4360 FR., BR., A.G. REC'D DEC 18 1876  

Disbursing Office.
Louisville Ky.
Decr 15th 1876.

Hawkins, H.S.
Capt 6th Inf. and D.O.

Asks that reference be made to Second Auditor's Office for any additional information he may have as to residence of claimants who have failed to reply to letters from his office, as per within list.

Recd back Dec 30/76

L.S. 15/518
War Department
Adjutant General's Office
Dec 20. 1876

Respectfully referred to the Second Auditor U.S. Treasury with request that this office be furnished with any information the records of his office afford that will aid in the discovery of the persons named, within.

Thomas M. Vincent
Assistant Adjutant General

Treasury Department,
Second Auditor's Office,
Dec. 29th 1876.

 Respectfully returned to Thomas M. Vincent Ass't Adj't Gen'l with the information that the only P. O. address of Chainey Buck, as shown by papers in Netherland, Tenn.

It is stated, however, that Martin Buck, father, died "in the West end of Putman County. Tenn."

Latest address of Jacob McNary (March 15/76) is Nashville, Davidson Co. Tenn.

Latest address of Benj. Lewis (April 4/76) is Frankfort, Ky.

No other address of Eveline Johnson than the one given: Lexington, Kentucky.

No other address of Harriet Barnett than the one given: South Union, Kentucky.

E.B. French
By H.O.W

G.B.P. 72

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-07-23 16:00:48