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NARA 701

(No. 49.)

War Department,
Washington, June 2, 1877

Capt. H. S. Hawkins 6" Inf.
Disbursing Officer,
Louisville, Ky.
You will transfer to Major G. G. Huntt, 1st" Cav. Disbursing Officer at Memphis Tenn, without delay, the funds and papers in the case of Calvin Sullivan, late Pvt., Co. D, 15th Regiment U.S.C.T., sent to your offices under the date of December 4, 1877. Major Huntt will be at Huntsville Ala, on the 12th inst., and it is desired that he may be enabled to effect payment of the above named case on the occasion of that visit.
Very respectfully,
Your obedient servant,
Thomas M. Vincent
Assistant Adjutant General.
2119, A.G.O., (F.B.,) 1877. 

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-07-25 07:48:19 removed indent, to be ignored per instructions