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NARA 713

Disbursing Office, F.B. A.G.O
Memphis, Tenn, June 8, 1877.

Captain H. S. Hawkins, 6 Infantry 
Disbursing Officer
Louisville, Ky,

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of the 6th instant, with enclosures, and your check No 37 on the Assistant Treasurer U.S at New York, in my favor, for $286 00/100; funds in the case of Calvin Sullivan late pvt Co D 15" Reg't U.S.C.T.
Receipt, in duplicate, for the sum stated is herewith enclosed.
I am, Captain, very respectfully,
Your obedient servant
G. G. Huntt
Major 1" Cavalry
Disbursing Officer

LS 252. 1877.

Transcription Notes:
LS = Letters Sent