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NARA 733

War Department,
Adjutant General's Office,
Washington D.C. June 11th. 1877

Capt. H. S. Hawkins, 6th. Infy
Disbursing Officer,
Louisville, Ky.

I have the honor to transmit my checks on the Asst. Treasurer, U.S, at New York, in settlement of the following accounts:-

[[4 columned table]]
| No of Check | Payee | For what | Amount |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| 6590 | Capt. H. S. Hawkins | Mileage | 15.04 |
| 6590 | Capt. H. S. Hawkins | Postage | 4.32 |
| 6591 | T. Keating Stuart | Travlg. Expenses | 16.00 |
| 6592 | Byrne and Speed | Coal &c | 1.35 |

Please acknowledge receipt.
Very respy your obdt. servt.
Jas. McMillan
Captain 3rd. Arty. Chf. Disbg. Offr.

Transcription Notes:
Referred to previously completed transcriptions for the formatting of the table but not totally sure if it's correct. (The instructions are provided to help transcribe everything, including tables. Pls read if you have questions) Fully transcribed now - pls review ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-07-25 09:06:41