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NARA 749

Franklin Ky, June 14th 1877
H. S. Hawkins
Capt 6th Inf. Disbursing Officer
Louisville Kentucky

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of yours of the 8th inst. Covering the enclosed affidavit 
I have completed the same before the Clerk of the County Court, to save expense, by dispensing with the Magistrates Court, and it is herewith returned.
The minors in this case are very poor, and if it be not inconsistent with your duty I trust you will send me a draft through the mail, or send any paper you wish me to sign to "Jno N. Crow" the Postmaster at this place, with the money or draft, and I can sign them before him or as you may direct. The amount is quite small & I propose this to save trouble & expense.
All the papers in the case, from the department are in the hands of my Atty. H. W. Hawes
Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Servant
James Steele

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