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NARA 754

(No. 80.)
US Disbursing Office
174 1/2 4th St
Louisville Ky. Apl 16, 1877

Samuel Wallace Cold
Care of B.A. Harper
Cincinnati Ohio

This is to inform you that your claim has been settled, and that a disbursing officer will be at -.

The time and place of payment will be fixed when your affidavit has been received at this office for the purpose of paying the amount due you.

It is important that you shall appear in person PROMPTLY AT THE TIME AND PLACE NAMED.

I inclose you a blank form of affidavit of two credible persons as to your identity, which should be executed before an officer authorized to take acknowledgements; if notary public or justice of the peace, the certificate of the clerk of the court that they are so authorized must be presented. 

The money that is to be paid is all your own, and is not subject to claim or demand, in whole or in part, by any one else.

This letter together with any papers in your possession that may aid in establishing your identity, should be shown by you to the disbursing officer.

H.S. Hawkins
Capt 6th Inf  Disbursing Officer.

Transcription Notes:
I am unsure of the Disbursing Officer's last name. Also I am unsure if the lines in the form mean a strike out or if the handwritten notification is what is written. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-07-25 09:16:01