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NARA 817

Office of JOHN CARSON, 
Staple and Fancy Groceries, Liquors, 
Tobaccos, Cigars, &c.,
No. 81 South Market Street, 
Nashville, Tenn., July 12 - 1877

Capt. H. S. Hawkins 
Louisville Ky

Inclosed I send you two affidavits of Braxton and Patrick Bass, Both Colored. I would believe either one of them on oath. Braxton Bass is a good Iron mechanic and is well thought of and liberally patronized in his neighborhood. I made an effort to get or to find some of the old owners of Watson Patterson, but they are all dead, consequently these two old negros are all that I can find that knows sufficient of Watson Patterson & affairs to make necessary oath

I would be glad if you would forward these papers with as [[strikethrough]] liberal [[/strikethrough]] favorable a statement for Willis and Jane Sherrill as you possibly can, for Jane Sherrill is actually in a needy condition having to support several small children. I inclose stamp & would ask as a favor in conclusion to write me any thing else that may be necessary to do in order for them to get their money
Yours Respectfully
John Carson 

Transcription Notes:
Unsure of why there is a line over the o in Braxtōn, or if that is the correct transcription. (The 'line' appears to be a late attempt to cross the 't' in Braxton) Fully transcribed - pls review ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-07-25 18:15:54