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NARA 891

War Department,
Adjutant General's Office,
Washington, D.C. Stember 17 1877

Capt. H. S. Hawkins, 6th Infy
Disbursing Officer,
Louisville, Ky.

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt on September 1. 1877 of your check No 41 on the Asst. Treasurer U.S. at New York in my favor for $3.777 66/100, returning funds sent to you to pay bounty &c due Colored Soldiers &c as enumerated in schedule forwarded by you in compliance with instructions from the Adjutant General's Office of August 22nd 1877.

Duplicate receipts herewith returned.

Very respy. you obt. servt.
G. G. Huntt
Major 1st Cavy. Chief Disbg. Offr.
One copy of receipt retained in this office and filed with your returns for August.