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NARA 0018


Adjutant General U.S.A. 
Washington, D.C. Jany 11th 1878.

States that it has been decided to extend the limits of Capt Hawkins' district, as Disbursing Officer, so as to embrace the district, formerly in charge of the Memphis Tenn Disbursing officer, the points of payment embraced in which, are Memphis Tenn, Huntsville Ala and Little Rock and Helena Arks, also that all claims in his office, ready for payment at the points named, will be sent without delay, and that Capt Hawkins will arrange for a tour of payments, as soon as possible after the receipt thereof. And that he is authorized to visit the points named at least once in each month, should the claims justify the expense. Authority for your clerk to accompany you is hereby conveyed. Also that his office be advised regularly of the proposed tours under his authority.

Rec'd at D.O. Jany 13th 1878.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-07-25 09:45:18 Changed "alas" in final narrative sentence to "also". Kelly Feathers