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NARA 0119

Little Rock ark Feby 7th 1878.

Capt HS Hawkins
Louisville Ky

Dr Sir
Your letter of date Feby 4th is at hand. Drafts on N.Y. can at this time be cashed here, at par, and think they can when you come here.

The Stage leaves Brinkly in the night for Clarendon, where connection is made with the "Ark Central Road" for Helena. The trip is made in the night time, & over an awful road - the most direct route to Helena from this place - & the one usually taken by our citizens, is by the way of Memphis, then by River to Helena. If you wish a Notary, before whom to take any testimony you may require in paying, I can refer you to my former clerk G.W. Clark who is now in the office of "Col of Int Revenue" as one competent, in every way.  He has taken the testimony for Maj Gibson & Hunt, at this