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NARA 0128

Office of M.D.L. Stewart,
Attorney at Law & Solicitor in Chancery,
No. 477 Main Street,
Memphis, Tenn., Feby 11 1878

H.S. Hawkins, Esqr.

Dear Sir
Yours of the 7th inst. has been received.  You say you have no claim for Mary Anderson colored as the sister of Eli Wallace of 55 Regiment but for another man in a diferent regiment.

The woman says the receipt of the agent has been destroyed by rats and she cannot recollect positively the regiment but the witnesses think it was the 55 regiment but forget the No of Co.  She also says the claim may have been in the name of Levi Wallace as he sometimes went by that name.  Dr. Quinsby a respectable physician who attended Eli or Levi in his last illness came