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NARA 0167

Office of
M.D.L. Stewart,
Attorney at Law & Solicitor in Chancery,
No. 177 Main Street,
Memphis, Tenn., Feby 18 1878

H.S. Hawkins
Capt 6th Infty.

Dear Sir

I received yours of the 16th Inst saying you would be here on Friday next - I will try and get up the proof which is very dificult as I have to rely upon the memory of old ignorant negroes - The papers they had are often surrendered when they applied for bounty and now have forgotten the Co & Reg &c &c

Please see if you have a claim allowed to Charity Hunt as widow of Isaac Hunt for pension - She got the bounty in part and says she sent her papers last June through Meyers & Deadrick who will give her no information or satisfaction = Her witnesses say

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