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Durhamville Tenn.
February. 1878.

Mr H.S Hawkins.
Louisville Kintucky.

Dear Sir

it is with grate Pleasure that i seat my self to Drop you a few lines. By the way of asking you, to tell me when and where, you can Pay me. I live in Durhamville, Lauderdale County Tenn. I have two men who knows me as the Soldier who preformed the Service in company C. 64th Rigiment. Blunt Bonds and Tom Cogshell.

Please let me hear from you.

Yours, Respectfully and c.
John Mitchell

Transcription Notes:
Found John Mitchell in the 64th U.S.C.I. and his witness Tom Cogshell using National Park Service "Search For Soldiers", but I didn't find his other witness "Blunt Bonds". There was a Blunt Barnes in the 64th, but the word doesn't really look like Barnes to me.