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Georgetown Ky. 
Feby - 1878.

Thomas Brown 

Writes relative to his claim for bounty as a member of Co G. 12th H.A. and asks if he is entitled to anything. 

Rec'd at D.O. Mch 10th 1878

Georgetown 27 Feb
Sir Capt Hockney 

Desireing to learn Something relative on some information [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] Bounty Claims I indevor to write to you. Than I dont know whether this is concerning of your Buisness or the reason I write is This I have been to see these Bounty Agents heare at Lex Ky and they dont seem to know anything about what I want to know
Thomas Brown was Discharge at Louisville Ky Receved an Honorable Discharge came to Lex Ky turned it in to B.G. Bruce and