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Office of Assistant Treasurer U.S., 
New York, March 23d, 1878. 


In order to facilitate the examination of the moneys and accounts of this Office, now being made by me by direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, I have caused your disbursing account to be balanced at the close of business on the 12th instant, and a statement thereof transmitted to you. I will thank you to cause the same to be examined immediately, and, if found correct, to report that fact to me at the Treasury Department, Washington, D.C., on the accompanying form. If found incorrect, please to advise me of the discrepancies in detail. 

Very respectfully, 
E.O. Graves

Capt. H.S. Hawkins, U.S.A.
D.O., F.B.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-07-27 10:42:16