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NARA 0513

[[stamp]] 2173 FR., BR., A.G.O. REC'D JUN 4 1877 [[//stamp]]

Memphis Tenn
May 31, 1877
G.G. Huntt
Major D.O.

Forwards papers in the case of Carey Massingale Pvt B. 1st H.A. to ascertain if Col McGowan filed an application for him with Wm Harrison & Green Walker as witnesses & for additional information.
4 Encls

Discharge enclosed
Requests information
Rec'd back June 19/77

First Endorsement
War Department
Adjutant General's Office
June 8, 1877

LS. 16/260 
Respectfully referred to the Second Auditor of the Treasury, with request for such in formation as the records of his office may afford, touching the points of enquiry within submitted by Major Huntt.

Early attention is solicited as it is desired to dispose of the case, if practicable, by the 30th instant.

Thomas M. Vincent
Assistant Adjutant General

Transcription Notes:
-Given the context, I do not believe it is a strikethrough of "referred". Rather, a later archivist/etc wrote the number 74 over the text. -This is NARA 0513, but the scan cuts off the right panel of the document, which is found on the next page.