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NARA 0708

Springfield Tenn
June 28th 1878

Capt H S Hawkins
Louisville Ky 

Dear Sir  I regret owing to the failure of the train to reach Nashville in the time given in your notice I arrived at your office at half past 6 was advised at the "Maxwell" Home that you had paid your Bill and left I learned next morning that it was a mistake so it was I did not get to see you know I will ask you kindly how and where can I get the amount due me I am old poor and needy have no money to spend and nothing to live upon only what I earn by daily Labor in my old age I am advised by Mr Holman that all that is due belongs to me and no one has any claim upon it but my self that he has received his pay from the Govt  Could you send the questions in Regard to the history of the soldier that I may answer and then you send to me a receipt that I may assighin and forward  Then you can send me the amount that is due to me  if this is contrary to your rules I will not ask it but hope you can devise some plan by which I will get my money without the expence of coming to Louisville  if you can you will confer a favor upon a poor old colored man that will remember you in his prayers  please answer me in care of D D Holman

Transcription Notes:
Not sure why in one line it refers to Holman as "M Holman" and then later as "D D Holman" - Could M mean Mister? I also think that the word after "you send to me" is "receipt", but that he spelled it wrong? ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-07-27 01:42:41 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-07-27 07:17:01