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[[9 columned table]]
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| 1872 Oct 5th $135.39 | Dyer, Jenny Mother of Dyer, Russell | L | 8. C.H.A | 135 | 39 | April 18th 1873 | Cairo, Ills | Ellen Woodward Enoch Fletcher |
| 1872 Oct 5th $95.13 | Epperton or Ebberson, Lucy Ebberson or Lucinda Widow of Ebberson, Samuel | A | 125 C.T. | 95 | 13 | A | 125 C.T | 95.13 | Dec 5th 1873 | Louisville Ky | J. T. E. McLean U.S. Com. Henry Webb |
| 1872 Oct 5th $27.43 | Aron Anderson, Harriet Purviance & 
North, Matilda brother & Sisters of Edwards, Jerry | Paid Aaron Anderson $9.14 at Lexington Ky Sept 22d. 1875 Paid Harriet Purviance $9.14 at Lexington Ky Nov 23d 1876  Amt due Matilda North (9.15) Transferred July 9th 1878 to Major G. G. Huntt, 1st Cavly CDO to A.G.O. July 1st 1878. | G | 100 C.T. | 27 | 43 |   |   | John McConnahay Jacob Craig Thomas x Potts, col'd Isaac x Adams, col'd |
| 1872 Oct 5th $342.43 | Force, Mary widow of Force Reuben | A | 123 C.T | 342 | 43 | Nov 1st 1872 | Louisville Kentucky | H. M. Buckley  B. B. Gray |
| 1872 Oct 5th $309.58 | McClelland, Ida widow of McClelland, James | E | 123. C.T | 309 | 58 | Nov 12th 1872 | Louisville Kentucky | Lewis Williams Henry C. Moore |
| 1872 Oct 5th $124.11 | Orr, Cornelius father of Henry, William | F | 43. C.T | 124 | 11 | Jany 18th 1873 | Louisville Kentucky | George C. Ellis  George Sanders |
| 1872 Oct 5th $102.05 | Raney, Maria Sister of Raney, George | K | 107 C.T  | 102 | 05 | Oct 30th 1872 | Louisville Kentucky | Henry S. Bell A. J. Thorne |
|Oct 5 $108.66 | Danl. Young father of Ringo, James | H | 100 C.T | 108 | 66 | Feby 26th 1873 | Louisville Kentucky | Sarah Ann Gray  Ayres Leforce  David Hinson |
| 1872 Oct 5th. $322.67 | Richardson, Lucy A widow of Richardson, Thos. | I | 6 C Cav | 322 | 67 | Jany 14th 1873 | By order of Asst Adjt Gen'l the amount of this claim was deposited with the U.S. Louisville Ky to the credit of Captain James McMillan |   |
| 1872 Oct 5th $60.26 | Shields, Ellen widow of Shields Alexander | H | 16 C.T | 60 | 26 | Feby 26th. 1873 | Louisville Kentucky | H. B. Tully C. P. Shields |
| 1872 Oct 5th. $278.86 | Solomon, Hillery mother of Solomon William |Transferred in accordance with letter to Maj Geo Gibson 5th. Infty D.O at Memphis Tenn C | 1 C.H.A | 278 | 86 | Sept 8th 1873 |   |   |  
| Oct 5 $90.00 | Catlett, Henry A. | H | 8 CHA | 90 | 00 | April 17th 1873 | Cairo. Ills | Grace, Johnson  David, Williams |
| 1872 Oct 5. $115.20 | Burse or Burns Burse Silva widow of Burse James | E | 108 C.T | 115 | 20 | May 14th 1873 | Louisville Ky | C. M. Hill A. F. Gowdy |
| 1872 Oct 5. $131.51 | Stone, Harvey guardian of Brown, Levi Brown & Joseph brothers of Brown, Elijah | G | 107. C.T | 131 | 51 | July 22 1873 | Louisville Ky | O. M. Rood T H. Miller |
| Oct 5 $100.00 | Blue, Reuben I | H | 31. C.T | and discharged 100 | 00 | March 31st. 1873 | Louisville Kentucky | Lewis Brant T. J. Belows |
| 1872 Oct 5. $41.03 | Tribble, Henry & Tribble Jacobs brothers of Boggs, Irvine | Fractional part of cents (1/2¢) due Henry Tribble turned in U.S. Treasury Jany 6th. 1874 on instructions from A.G.O of Dec 29th. 1870 Jacob Trebble paid $20.51 1/2 his share  F|114. C.T | 41 | 03 | April 2nd. 1873 1878 amt due Henry Tribble (20.56) Transferred Aug 9th. Aug 1873 to Maj G. G. Huntt 1st Cavly. C.D.O. his A.G.O. Aug 1st. 1878 | Lexington Ky | {B. Farmer  Amanda Cheles | 
| 1872 Oct 5. $29.12 | Bunton, Reuben father of Bussy John | K | 118. C.T | 29 | 12 | Oct 29th. 1872 | Louisville Kentucky | S. T. Willis J. S. Petty |

Transcription Notes:
Did not know what column some information belonged ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-09-05 16:16:15 table format was incorrect, pls read instructions, there are spaces between text and pipes, i.e., | text | and not |text| ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-09-05 22:41:52