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NARA 530

(FORM 24.)

Jefferson Tanier, "F" Co., 6th. Reg't U. S. C. Cavy; was born in [[strikethrough]] Georgia [[/strikethrough]], was enlisted the 17" day of Sept, 1864, at [[strikethrough]] Bowling Green [[/strikethrough]] Camp Nelson, by Capt Hobson, and was mustered in the 30" day of Sept, 1863, at Bowling Green, by Capt Hobson, for 3 years.
At the time of enlistment he was Twenty one years old, and 5 feet 10 1/2 inches high, yellow complexion, Brown eyes, black hair, and by occupation a Farmer. He [[strikethrough]] was discharged (or [[/strikethrough]] died) 2nd day of Ap'l, 1866, at De Vall's Bluff, Ark,
Daniel Coates was commanding officer, and Chas. Blakey, first sergeant at time of soldier's death. The following are the names of one or more of his company who enlisted at or about the same time and place: Major Blakey enlisted 17" day of Sept 1864, and Valentine Blakey enlisted 17' day of Sept, 1864.


1. If a slave, that fact and name of owner will be noted here.
2. Any other peculiar fact or event connected with the soldier's history will also be noted.

Joined at original organization, Muster in roll reports him "free." Muster roll of Co from  24" of Jan'y to 30" of June 1865 report him "On detached service in Brig Band."
"Killed by a pis'tol shot discharged by an enlisted man of 113d U.S.C. Inf'y," Private,
(He is accounted for on M.O. Roll as Jefferson James,)

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done ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-07-28 10:47:59