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NARA 698

(FORM 24.)
Stamper Gardner, Pvt. Co., C 6 Regt. U.S.C. Cav. was born in Floyd Co Ky, was enlisted the 24 day of October, 1864, at Camp Nelson Ky, by J. C. Randolph., and was mustered in the 27 day of October, 1864, at Camp. Nelson Ky, by Capt. N. C. Kimsy, for 3 years. At the time of enlistment he was 34 years old, and 5 feet 10 inches in height. He was discharged  [[strikethrough]] (or died)[[/strikethrough]] 16 day of August, 1865, at Camp Nelson, Ky; Lt. Geo. W. Gates, was commanding officer and Allen Pigg First Sergeant at time of soldiers Discharge. The following are the names of one or more of his company who enlisted at or about same time and place: Benjamin Cook enlisted 24 day of October, 1864, and William Cook enlisted 24 day of October, 1864.

1. If a slave, that fact and name of owner will be noted here. 
2. Any other peculiar fact or event connect with the soldier's history will also be noted. 

Joined at original organization. Slave of Mrs Sally Gardner. The Co. was in an engagement at Marrion Va. Dec 18, 64  Sick in Hosp at Louisa Ky from Dec - 64 to Apr- 65. & Gen Hosp Camp Nelson, Ky from Apr 65 to date of discharge Discharged and Surgeon's Certificate of disability, because of Loss of all the toes except the great of the left foot & the great & middle toes of the right foot, the effect of frost bites to which he was exposed while in the line of his duty as a soldier with his regiment in the Saltville Va. expedition with Gen Burbridge in Dec' 1864" Occupation Farmer Eyes Hair & Complection. Black.

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