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Nara 805

(Form 41.)


Case of William Gray Brother of John Gray (decd) late Pvt. Co. [[?]] 5th. U.S.C. Cavalry. 
Residence  Louisville
Witnesses  R. M. Buckley & Worthington Dupee
Residence Louisville.
Papers presented  Affidavits of Identification. Sent by Benj. Gray Harvey Co., through Mr. Buckley. Letter of Notification [strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] c? by Benj. Gray, (White) Harvey Co.
Enlisted - When     Where  
By whom     Period   years. 
Mustered - When    Where 
By whom  
Description - Where born  Trimble   Age 36 years.
Occupation Laborer   Eyes Black 
Hair  Curley   Complexion  Yellowish
Height  6 feet - inches.
Discharged, or died at
on the   day of   , 18
Commanding Officer  
First Sergeant  
Enlisted about he same time and place.

States that John Gray was a slave of Maria Brannon Henry Co. and Enlisted at Louisville in fall of 1864and died at Bowling Green - of fever late in the fall - Was about 21 years old when he Enlisted. 

Transcription Notes:
done pls review