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NARA 928

(Form 41.)


Case of Martha Duncan Mother of Squire Hopkins late private Co.C- 100 Reg U.S.C. Troops
Residence Moorfield Nicholas Co Ky
Witnesses John M Dallas & Saml Berry
Residence Carlisle Ky
Papers presented Affidavits of identity and Letter of Notification
Enlisted --When June dont know year  Where Carlisle Nicholas Co
By whom dont know  Period   years
Mustered--When   Where
By whom
Description--Where born Nicholas County  Age 23 years.
Occupation Farmer  Eyes Black
Hair Black  Complexion black
Height 5 feet 11 inches.
[[strikethrough]] Discharged [[/strikethrough]] or died at Nashville Tenn of Measles
on the -- day of --, 18 
Commanding officer   
First Sergeant Dont know
Morgan Prater  & Thomas Hopkins 
Enlisted about the same time and place.

Was slave of Wm Hopkins Nicholas Co.

Transcription Notes:
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