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NARA 937

(FORM 24.)

Robert Lawrence - Private, "K" Co., 8th Regt. U.S.C. Art'y (H) was born in No record - State of North Carolina, was enlisted the 4th day of June, 1864, at Fort Donalson Tenn, by John Cook, and was mustered in the 25th day of June, 1864, at Paducah Kentucky, by Lieut. D.C. McIver, for 3 years. At the time of enlistment he was 45 years old, and 5 feet 8 inches in height. He [[strikethrough]] was discharged (or [[/strikethrough]] died) 4th day of November, 1864, at Paducah K'y, in Reg'l Hospital; Captain John Cook was commanding officer, and Henry Tinsley First Sergeant at time of soldiers Death. The following are the names of one or more of his company who enlisted at or about same time and place: Job Lowry enlisted 4th day of June, 1864, and Phillip Ledford enlisted 4th day of June, 1864.

1. If a slave, that fact and name of owner will be noted here.
2. Any other peculiar fact or event connected with the soldier's history will also be noted.

Joined Co. at Orig'l Organ: Muster rolls from Org'n- to August 30th/64. "Present for duty." roll for Sept. & Oct./64. "Present sick in Regimental Hospital."
(Cause of death - Articular Rheumatism.)
(No record as to "free or Slave" Status).
(Occupation - Farmer. Eyes. Black. Hair. Black. Complexion. Black.)

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