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(FORM 24.) 

Benjamin Brightwell Corpl "C" Co., 114th Reg't U.S.C. Troops was born in Franklin Co Ky, was enlisted the 22 day of June, 1864, at Lexington Ky, by Capt Thos. H. Moore, and was mustered in the 22nd day of June 1864, at Lexington Ky, by Capt. Thos. H. Moore, for 3 years.
At the time of enlistment he was 25 years old, and 5 feet, 5 inches high, Black complexion, Black eyes, Black hair, and by occupation a Laborer. He was discharged [[crossed out]] (or died) [[/crossed out]] 2nd day of April, 1867, at Brazos Santiago Texas.
Capt Volney V. Smiths was commanding officer and Daniel Tucker first sergeant at time of soldier's discharge. [[crossed out]] The following are the name or one or more of his company who enlisted at or about the same time and place:      enlisted     day of    18  , and      enlisted      day of    186  . [[/crossed out]]


1. If a slave, that fact and name of owner will be noted here.
2. Any other peculiar fact or event connected with soldier's history will also be noted.

Slave of William Brightwell Franklin Co. Ky
Joined at Original Organization
Promoted Corporal September 2. 1864 = and reduced to ranks September 19th 1865. = Promoted Corporal March 1. 1866-
Mustered out with Company
No record of Principal or Company Musicians
Charles Singer Sergt Major}
Yarmant S. Carr Q.M. Sergt.
William H. Bullitt Com'r Sergt
Mustered out with F and S.
Richard White and Henry Withers Sergt Mustered out with Co.
William White No.1 and Charles Dutton Corpls Mustered out with Co.

Transcription Notes:
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