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NARA 1119

(FORM 24.)

Simon Knox, Private Co. "H", 63rd Reg't U.S.C. Troops was born in - North Carolina, was enlisted the 15th day of November, 1863, at Vicksburg, Miss., by T. M. Elliott, and was mustered in the 26th day of November, 1863, at Vicksburg, Miss., by Capt. Ide, for 3 years.
At the time of enlistment he was 41 years old, and 5 feet 4 1/2 inches high, Black complexion, Black eyes, Black hair, and by occupation a Farmer. He was discharged [[strikethrough]] (or died) [[/strikethrough]] 9th day of January, 1866, at De Valls Bluff, Ark. 1st Lt. Andrew Froehly was commanding officer and Peter Branch first sergeant at time of soldier's discharge. [[strikethrough]] The following are the names of one or more of his company who enlisted at or about the same time and place:   enlisted   day of   186 , and   enlisted   day of   186 . [[/strikethrough]]

1. If a slave, that fact and name of owner will be noted here
2. Any other peculiar fact or event connected with the soldier's history will also be noted.

Slave April 19th, 1861.
Joined Co. at Original Organization.
Present for duty, from Organization to Muster out.
His name appears on Muster Roll of Co, as Simeon Knox.
Elijah Richardson, Co. Musician. No record of Principal Musicians.
James A Hawley, Chaplain, Mustered out with Field and Staff.

Sergt.? Jones and corpril Ben Moseley mustered out with-Co. Corpril Daniel Miller died in bed quaters April 23rd 1865. Priva
The Samuel ha
Tcher March 8.  Corpril Isaac Howard discharged for disorderly July 1st 1865. Private-Ambrose Thompson deserted April 29th 1865. George Kennedy and williams Leuia names ? Preceding ? ? ? ? ?

Transcription Notes:
The dashes are words that couldn't be made out edited 08/29/2024 ? For word I could not read.