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NARA0002 (Form 41.) MEMORANDA Case of Margaret Pendleton (Widow of Saml Pendleton late Pvt. Co. D-122d U.S.C. Troops Residence Pine Grove Clark Co Ky Witnesses Mark Allen & Perry Smith Residence Clark County Ky Papers presented Letter of N" & affidavit [[strikethrough]] Enlisted [[/strikethrough]] Saml was Drafted in When fall of 1864 Where Mustered in at Lexington, Ky By whom Period years. Mustered - When Where By whom Description - Where born Clark Co. Ky. Age about 31 year.s when Drafted Margaret Where born Clark Co. Ky. Age 38 years. Occupation Laborer Eyes Bl Hair Bl Complexion Bl Height 5 feet 7 inches. Samuel [[strikethrough]] Discharged [[/strikethrough]] or died at Henderson Co. Ky. on the about Decbr of the same year he was Drafted Commanding Officer First Sergeant Enlisted about the same time and place. REMARKS. Saml was a Slave of Ed Pendleton, Clark Co. Ky when he Enlisted. Margaret belonged to Drusy Smith Clark Co. Ky. at that time. Her Maiden Name was Taylor and was Married about 10 or 11 years before he was drafted. Married in Clark Co. Ky by Elijah Fishback. Witnesses on appn. Caleb Vanmeter and Mark Allen.
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