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(FORM 24.)
ing Officer, Nashville Tenn., to assist him in the "discovery, identification, and payment" of claimants, under act of March 29th, 1867.

[[9 columned table]]

| MUSTERED INTO SERVICE. WHEN. | MUSTERED INTO SERVICE. WHERE. | MUSTERED INTO SERVICE. BY WHOM. | DISCHARGED (See Note 1.) WHEN. | DISCHARGED (See Note 1.) WHERE. | NAME OF COMMANDING OFFICER OF COMPANY AT TIME OF SOLDIER'S DISCHARGE, OR DEATH. | NAME OF 1ST SERGEANT OF COMPANY AT TIME OF SOLDIER'S DISCHARGE OR DEATH | NAME OF ONE OR MORE OF HIS COMPANY WHO ENLISTED AT OR ABOUT SAME TIME AND PLACE. | NOTES. { 1. In case of death note the fact, date, and place, in column of discharged. 2. If a slave, that fact and name of owner will be noted in his column. 3. Any other peculiar fact, or event, connected with the soldier's history, will also be noted in this column. REMARKS. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| Aug 14/63 | Nashville Tenn. | Lt. Stausburg | Jany 16/66 | Nashville Tenn | 1st Lt. John H. Collier | William Lytton| Squire French Henry Bryant | Joined at Original Organization. Mustered in as Madison Simms. Borne on all Rolls as John M. Sims. He was absent sick at Nashville Tenn. Dec. 31/63; detailed in Q.M. Dept. as Actg. Com. Sergt. from Dec. 12/63 to _ including Feby 28/65. He was Corpl. from Organization to Roll for May & June 1864, where he is borne as Privt. - date of reduction, not stated. He was sick in Hospital at Nashville Tenn. Dec. 31/64; on detached service Oct 31/65. No record of Free or Slave Status. Mustered out with Company. |

| Aug 5/63 | Elk River Tenn. | Lt. Stausburg | Jany 16/66 | Nashville Tenn | Capt. Wm. R. Douglass | Elias M Nairy | Willis Kelley Joshua Hancock | Joined at Original Organization. He was present for duty during his entire service. No record of Free or Slave Status. Mustered out with Company. The Company was in the battle of Nashville Tenn Dec 15&16 1864 and lost Private Armstrong, Battle, Sissle, and Taylor - killed. |

| Mar 14/64 | Pulaski Tenn. | Lt. Hoffman | April 30/66 | Nashville Tenn | 1st Lt. W.W. Burnham | Henry Ross | Moses Harris Amos Kilpatrick | { Joined at Original Organization. He was on detached service Apl 30th 1864. With this exception he was present for duty his entire service. No record of Free or Slave Status. Mustered out with Company. The Company lost 8 men taken prisoners in an engagement at Turner Hill Tenn. Sept. 26 1864. |

| Nov 11/63 | Arlington Va. | Capt. Krebs | Jany 5th/66 | Key West Fla. | 2nd Lt. H. L. Hayton | William H. Wood | Joseph Taylor John Welsh | Joined at Original Organization. He is borne as a Privt on first Muster Roll of company, then Capt. - date of promotion not given. He was promoted to Sergt. Sept. 1/63. He was present for duty during his entire service. Borne as "Free on or before April 19th 1861" Mustered out with Company. The Company left New York for New Orleans Nov. 27/63, arriving there Dec. 4/63; left for Ship Island Miss. Dec. 7/63 left Ship Island for Key West Fla Feby 19/64 arrived there Feby 22/64. Was on Scout during July & Aug 1864; in action near Cedar Keys Fla. July 13/64 and at East Creek and Newport Fla. March 5, 1865 and at Natural Bridge Fla. Mar. 6. 1865|

Transcription Notes:
9.21.2024 - Transcribed per guidelines and marking for review the table is more than 9 columns, but only these nine are present on this page. See previous page of this project for beginning of table.