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(FORM 24.)

Disbursing Officer,  , to assist him in the "discovery, identification, and payment" of claimants, under act of March 29th, 1867.

[[9 columned table]]
| MUSTERED INTO SERVICE. WHEN. | MUSTERED INTO SERVICE. WHERE. | MUSTERED INTO SERVICE. BY WHOM. | DISCHARGED. (See Note 1.) WHEN. | DISCHARGED. (See Note 1.) WHERE. | NAME OF COMMANDING OFFICER OF COMPANY AT TIME OF SOLDIER'S DISCHARGE, OR DEATH. | NAME OF 1ST SERGEANT OF COMPANY AT TIME OF SOLDIER'S DISCHARGE, OR DEATH. | NAME OF ONE OR MORE OF HIS COMPANY WHO ENLISTED AT OR ABOUT SAME TIME AND PLACE. | NOTES.} 1. In case of death note the fact, date, and place, in column of discharged. 2. If a slave, that fact and name of owner will be noted in this column. 3. Any other peculiar fact, or event, connected with the soldier's history, will also be noted in this column. REMARKS. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| June 22/64 | Chattanooga Tenn | Col. Mussey | April 30/66 | Nashville Tenn. | Capt. D. Holmes | Daniel McDaniels (1st duty Sergt.) | James Cook  Geo. Campbell | Joined at Original Organization. Was captured by the enemy Oct. 13, 1864 at Dalton Ga. He escaped and reported for duty Dec. 27, 1864. With above exception he was present for duty during entire term of service. No record of Free or Slave Status. Mustered out. with Company. |
| Dec. 14/63 | Helena Ark | Lt. Falvey | Sept. 15/66 | Quarantine near St. Louis Mo. | Capt. Saml. G. Farree | Jno. W. Williams | *Baker Griggsby  Henry Crow | Joined as a Recruit. Present for duty during entire term of service. No record of Free or Slave Status. Age also reported as 20 years. Mustered out with Company. *No enlistments at same time and place. Baker Griggsby (Co. Cook) enlisted June 8/63, and Henry Crow (Co. Cook) June 7/64. |
| Nov. 16/63 | Gallatin Tenn | Capt. R. D. Mussey | March 26/66 | Nashville Tenn | Capt. Danl. Kienborts | Park Williams | Henry Proper  Thomas Pryor | Joined at Original Organization. Present for duty during entire term of service. No record of Free or Slave Status. Mustered out with Company. Company was in action at Decatur Ala. Oct 28, 1864. |
| Apl 30/64 | Nashville Tenn | Lieut. Ernest | April 7/66 | Nashville Tenn | Capt. Levi Patchin | Jackson Colbert | Joshua Roberts | Joined as a Recruit. No record of Free or Slave Status. In confinement at Springfield Tenn. Sept & Oct 1864. Promoted to Corpl. Oct. 1/65. Sick in Genl. Hospl. Nashville Jan. 9/66. Mustered out with Co. |
| Apl 15/64 | Nashville Tenn | Lieut. Ernest | April 7/66 | Nashville Tenn | Capt. B.O. Camp | Carter H. Bonnett | Jefferson Short  Joseph Talley | Joined at Original Organization. No record of Free or Slave Status. Absent in Hospital No. 16 Nashville Tenn. Dec. 26/64, and in Regimental Hospital Aug 23/65. Mustered out with Company. |
| Feby 12/64 | Shelbyville Tenn | Lieut. Ernest | April 7/66 | Nashville Tenn | Lt. H.C. Korhammer | Joseph Reed | Jacob Goosby | Joined at Original Organization. Detailed in Q.M. Dept. May & June 1864. Absent sick in Hospital at Nashville June 12/65. No record of Free or Slave Status. Mustered out with Company. |

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-09-26 12:24:03 corrected many errors; need to look for more ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-09-27 09:38:08 Henry Crow Jacob Goosby ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-09-27 22:49:47 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-09-28 12:45:44 "term" of service rather than "time" of service Capitalized "Company" and "Original Organization" where it was in the original. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-09-28 12:56:46