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Campbell Dan'l

C 133. 3 Vol. 1867.
Rec'd Back Jany 23rd 1868.
Bureau R.F and A. Lds
1st Divis 3rd S. Dist Va
Richmond Va Jany 23rd/68.
Respectfully returned to Lt. P.R. Hambrick, S.A.C. with the information that the within named Stephen Jackson, has been dead a number of years and no intelligence of any of his colored men can be obtained although public notice was given in the Churches, and enquiry made. 
(signed) Benj. C. Cook.

Bureau R.F. and A. Lds
Head Qrs. Asst Comr of Va
Richmond, Va Jany 23/68.
Respectfully returned to Daniel Campbell, inviting attention to endorsement of B.C. Cook, A.S.A.C. 
O. Brown
Bvt Brig Genl Vols
Asst. Comr. 

Armstrong, S.C. 
Sub A. Comr. 

A12. 1st Vol. 1868.
Rec'd back Jany 24th 1868.
War Dept. Bu R.F. &c
Office: Chf. Q.M. 
Washington, Jany 21st 1868.
Respectfully returned to the Asst Comr of Va. 
The Bureau Off: Manual, (page 28.E.) provides that "Means of Transportation will not be furnished in Kind", &c for the use of any Benevolent Association. 
By Command of Maj General O.O. Howard, Comr
(signed) Henry M. Whittlesey. 
Chf Q.M. &c

Bureau R.F and A. Lds
Head Qrs. Asst Comr of Va
Richmond, Va Jany 24/68.
Respectfully returned to S.C. Armstrong, S.A.C. inviting attention to endorsement of Maj. Genl O.O. Howard Comr. of Jany 21/68. 
O Brown
Bvt: Brig. Genl Vols
Asst Comr

War Dept: Bu. R.F &c

E.2.1st Vol. 1868.
Rec'd back Jany 24/68.
Bureau R.F. and A.L. 
2nd Divis: 2nd S. Dist Va
Waverly Va. Jany 20/68.


Respectfully returned with the information that Mary Ellis, the within named girl is married to "Mexico Drew" and resides at W.H. Hoods in Surry Co. Va. four miles from this station, and at present does not wish to go to her mothers. 
(signed)J.F. Wilcox 

Bureau R.F and A. Lds
Head Qrs. Asst Comr of Va.
Richmond, Va Jany 24th 1868.
Respectfully returned to the Maj. Genl. Comr. inviting attention to endorsement of J.F. Wilcox. A.S.A.C. 
O. Brown 
Bvt: Brig Genl. Vols
Asst Comr

War Dept: Bu: R.F. &c
625.Q.M. 1867.

C118.3 Vol. 1867.
Rec'd back Jany 24th 1868.
Bureau R.F. and A. Lands
Head Qrs. 2nd S. Dist: Va. 
Petersburg Va. Jany, 22nd 1868.
Respectfully returned to the Asst Comr of Va. inviting attention to enclosed note from Mr. Henry C. Clark dated Jany. 21st 1868. by which it will be seen that the boys are with Messrs. Wm. Daniels and McPride residing near Mr Robinson. 
Mr Clarke states he will give the boys remunerative employment upon their arrival here. 
(signed) J.R. Stone S.A.C. 

Prince George Jany 21st 1868.
The mistake was made through the Father of the boys, his daughter was with Mr. Robinson, and Junius is with Mr Wm Daniels, Geo. Cornelius is with Mr McPride, about four miles from Chester, or about ten miles from Rocky Hill, these two men came in possession of these boys by the death of their brother, who died in Jail in Chester S. Ca. these boys formerly belonged to Lawyer Thimothy Reins of Prince George County Va. The daughter when she came home about a year ago wanted to bring the boys with her and they refused to let them come, I think they should be made to pay for the time they have had them, so it would enable them to come home. 
(signed) Henry C. Clarke.

Bureau R.F and A. Lds
Head Qrs. Asst Comr Va
Richmond, Va. Jany 24/68.

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