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Hambrick, P.R. 
Lieut & S.A. Comr.
H14.1st Vol. 1868.

Recd back Jany. 21/68.
Bureau R.F. and A. Lds
Office A.S.A. Comr
Halifax C.H. Va. Jany. 20/68.

Respectfully, returned, with the information that I had investigated the case on the 6th inst: and found that the girl Mary Warren was over Eighteen, and that the statement that she was not well cared for, was untrue and that the girl did not wish to leave her present employers. 
(signed) Dvd P. Scott,
Lt & A.S.A.C. 

Bureau R.F and A. Lds
Head Qrs. Asst Comr Va
Richmond, Va. Jany 25/68.
Respectfully returned to Lieut. P.R. Hambrick, S.A.C. inviting attention to endorsement of Lieut. David P. Scott A.S.A.C. 
Bvt: Brig: Genl Vols
Asst. Comr.

Virginia, M. Dist: of 
620.2 Vol. 1867.

M558. 3 Vol. 1867.
Recd back Jany. 24/68.
Bureau R.F and A. Lds
3rd & 4th Div's 5th S. Dist. 
Yorktown, Va. Dec 30th 67.
Respectfully returned to S.C. Armstrong, S.A. Comr with report that the buildings which are upon the land of Wm F.W. Powers, are all in the use of, and under the control of the Comndg: officer of the Post, excepting this office and the Dispensary of the A.A. Surg. which occupy but a small portion of the land, and the rental of the same would be merely nominal. The rate of rent recommended to be paid is considered fair. 
(signed) F.J. Massey, 

Bureau R.F and A. Lds
Hd. Qrs. 5th S. Dist Va
Fort Monroe, Va. Jany 10th/68.
Respectfully returned to F.J. Massey A.S.A.C. for such information as he can give as to the validity of Mr. Powers' claim to the rent of the land in question: as to the previous occupancy of said land by the Bureau, to what extent the Commissary Stove House, within referred to was used by the Bureau and whether and for how long, it has been used for the same purpose by the U.S. forces, at Yorktown,
(sig) S.C. Armstrong
Agt &c 

Bureau R.F and A. Lands
3rd & 4th Divis 5th S. Dist Va. 
Respectfully returned to S.C. Armstrong S.A.C. with the information that he land in question consists of a town lot on this Village, this with a house on the same was taken possession of by the U.S. Authorities in the Spring of 1862, the house being used for Hd. Qrs: The property was not taken up as abandoned. During its occupancy by the troops, the Commissary, and other buildings, were erected. Upon my taking charge of this office two years ago this month. Mr. Powers house was returned to him and the Government buildings were turned over to the Bureau, they have however been principally occupied by the troops, the Commissary building within referred to has been continually and is at this time in use by the Military Authorities, excepting about one sixth (1/6) of the building which is occupied, by this office. 
Wm Newman the lessee of the lot in question withdraws all claim to any rent from the Government for land occupied, so that there is no doubt as to the validity of the claim of Wm. Powers,
(signed) F.J. Massey

Bureau R.F and A. Lands
Head. Qrs. Asst Comr of Va. 
Richmond, Va. Jany 25th 1868.
Respectfully returned to Bvt: Col. S.F. Chalfin A.A. General, inviting attention to endorsements of F.J. Massey A.S.A.C. of Dec 30/87. and Jany. 12th 1868.
O. Brown
Bvt: Brig Genl Vols
Asst Comr

Hambrick, P.R. 
Lieut. & S.A.C. 

M. 36. 1st Vol. 1868.
Bureau R.F and A. Lands
Head Qrs. Asst Comr of Va. 
Richmond Va. Jany. 25th 1868.
Respectfully referred to Lieut P.R. Hambrick S.A.C. investigation and report. 
O. Brown
Bvt: Brig: Genl Vols
Asst Comr

Remington, J.H. 
Bvt: Maj. & S.A.C. 

L 31. 1st Vol. 1868.
Bureau R.F and A. Lds
Head Qrs. Asst Comr of Va
Richmond, Va. Jany 25th/68.
Respectfully referred to Bvt Maj. J.H. Remington, Sub - Asst - Comr