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effected. The girl Lilley, has moreover, been bound to Mr. Bailey, by the County Court of Rowan County. N. Ca. in due form of law. Having investigated the condition of the girl Lilley. I find that she is well cared for in every respect, and in my opinion the faith of the Bureau is pledged to the maintenance of this indenture. 
Mr Bailey is to pay a liberal premium, and binds himself to provide for the girl not only physically but intellectually. I should be loth to distrust this indenture 
(sig) Wm A. Cutter.
Agent &c

Bureau R.F and A.L
Hd. Qrs. Asst Comr Va
Richmond Feby 8/68.
Respectfully returned to J. R. Stone. S.A.C. inviting attention to endorsement of Wm A. Cutter, Agent. 
O. Brown
Bvt Brig Genl Vol. 
Asst Comr

Manly R. M. 
Supt of Ed. 

L 30. 1st Vol. 1868.
Bureau R. F and A. Lds
Hd. Qrs. Asst Comr Va
Richmond Feby. 8th 1868.
Respectfully referred to R. M. Manly. Supt of Ed for remarks
O Brown
Bvt: Brig Genl Vols
Asst Comr

Babcock. Jno C. 

M 43. 1st Vol. 1868
Recd back. Feby 8th 1868.
War Dept Bu &c
Washington Feby 4th 1868.
Respectfully returned to the Asst Comr of Va, it will be impossible to find the Whereabouts of Maj Babcock & Baker unless their names be given in full. 
By order of Maj Genl O. O. Howard Comr
(signed) E. Whittlesey 

Bureau R.F & A.L.
Hd. Qrs. Asst Comr
Richmond Feby 8/68.
Respectfully referred to Jno C. Babcock Esqr Trinity Buildings New York, requesting any information that he can furnish regarding this case within named
O. Brown
Bvt: Brig Genl. Vols
Asst Comr

Johnson. James 

H 49. 1st Vol. 1868.
Bureau R. F and A. Lds
Hd. Qrs Asst Comr of Va
Richmond. Va. Feby 8th 1868.
Respectfully referred to James Johnson. S.A.C. As Thompson has been discharged the bill of the Jailor for the whole time of his imprisonment, will be forwarded to this office, in a proper form for payment. 
O. Brown
Bvt: Brig: Genl. Vols
Asst Comr. 

White. Geo Q. Capt
Chf. Q.M &c of Va,

J 23. 1st Vol. 1868.
Bureau R. F and A. Lds
Head Qrs. 6th S. Dist Va
Fredericksburg Feby 6/68.
Respectfully forwarded. Some provision should be made for this officer - either furnish him with a horse or authorize him to hire one. Lieut Pease has forwarded to this office Vouchers for purchase of Forage for the months of January and February, but having neither a private or public horse I presume the accounts will not be allowed. I suppose from his sending the Vouchers for purchases of Forage that he has made an arrangement with his friend to furnish forage thus favor for the use of his horse. 
(Sig) James Johnson

Bureau R. F and A. Lds
Head Qrs Asst Comr of Va
Richmond Feby 8th 1868.
Respectfully referred to Capt George Q. White chf Q.M &c, 
O. Brown
Bvt Brig Genl Vols
Asst Comr

Lee. S. P. Bvt: Lt Col

A. 14.1st Vol. 1868.
Recd back. 9th 1868.
Bureau R.F and A.L. 
Hd. Qrs. 6th S. Dist Va, 
Fredericksburg. Feby. 7th 1868.
Respectfully returned to the Asst Comr of Va, inviting attention to enclosed letter of Custus Grymes, 
(signed) Jas Johnson,

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-09-18 14:20:52